الاثنين، 24 نوفمبر 2008

تحميل اللعبة الاستراتيجية Spectromancer v1.02 ذات الحجم الصغير

Spectromancer v1.02
تحميل اللعبة الاستراتيجية Spectromancer v1.02 ذات الحجم الصغير

صور من اللعبة

العبة حجمها عند التحميل 21 ميجا وبععد فك الضغط تصبح 37.7 ميجا

لعبة ممتعة

Spectromancer is an epic strategy game co-designed by Alexey Stankevich and Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering that sends you on a journey from apprentice mage to planet-shattering master. For ages, peace and order have reigned across Revnia. But a time of great change is coming and it’s up to you to build your strength and fight the nation’s greatest threat in a thousand years.In Spectromancer players participate in a magical duel against other mages by strategically summoning creatures and casting spells. Each mage uses five magical elements during a duel - Fire, Water, Air and Earth, plus a fifth related to the specific mage type. There are six mage types in the game: Clerics use Holy power; Mechanicians use Mechanics; Necromancers use Death; Chaosmasters use Chaos; Dominators uses Control and Illusionists use Illusions. Players are able to duel against the computer or against other online players live. Play in single-player campaign and take on the corrupt council of magic and its innumerable minions. After polishing your skills in single-player, test your limits in exciting multi-player combat.
Game features:
• Open your mind and discover your power. Build your character’s spells and abilities over time in the extensive single-player campaign filled with surprising challenges.
• Be first in your class. Master eight special spells per class, making each duel distinctly different.
• Unlock over 100 cards. As you explore the world, you add new spells and new allies to your side, each of which opens new strategic options to master.
• Simple to understand, difficult to master. An elegantly-designed battle system pits you against hundreds of scenarios of engaging tactical depth.
• Think fast! Go head to head with other masters in hotseat, LAN or online multiplayer battles.
• Gloat over your victories. Earn badges for your accomplishments and view them in your in-game profile.
• Online League. Check out the leaderboards so that you always know where you stand with the competition.










تحميل اللعبة الاستراتيجية Spectromancer v1.02 ذات الحجم الصغير

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